Thursday, June 06, 2013

Sustainable Swimwear: Greenlines Board Shorts

Let's be honest Drobers, no matter your style, no matter where you live, all of us have flirted with the idea of surf style culture. How could we not with shows like Baywatch and Laguna Beach? It's basically been engrained in our brains: tans, board shorts, and surfboards are just plain sexy. And this is on a man or woman.

Greenlines is an independent company just jumping onto the fashion scene, and they've got some pretty cool ideas. Aside from their shorts being incredibly stylish, retro, and just plain cool, they're also made from 100% recyclable material. Nothing wrong with helping to save the planet, right?

The cool thing about Greenlines, is that their not like other boardshort companies because of one main fact: they make them for women too. 

The company was founded by the Delaney brothers, Sam and Jerry. The brothers never really had fashion in mind when they came up with this idea: it was merely a way to make a difference. Turns out they're pretty damned good at the fashion side of it though.

These boardshorts are sleek, sexy, and sustainable; what more could you ask for? Part of the proceeds that they make are donated to various eco funds, like Surfrider Foundation, Surfers Environmental Alliance, and Clean Ocean Action.

So if you want to do your part in keeping our planet green, and look stylish and surf ready while you do it, hop on over to Greenlines website and grab a pair or two.

With Style,
Your MyDROBE Team

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