Monday, January 07, 2013

The DROBER Dictionary

MyDROBE - my-drobe noun (\ˈmī, mə-,drōb\)
The virtual closet of materialistas all over the globe. Houses their most coveted clothing items and serves as the nerve center for their personalized styling experience.

DROBE - drobe noun (,drōb\)
The virtual closet of materialistas all over the globe. Houses their most coveted clothing items and serves as the nerve center for their personalized styling experience.

DROBERS - drobe-rrs noun (,drōb\\-ers)
Users of the MyDROBE application. Individuals dedicated to feeling more confident by looking their very best. Often addicted to sharing their style with the world.

Want to play with our Hashtags!? BOOM. 
You're welcome. 



Ohhh, you're craving more!? Don't worry #DROBERS, we have so many fantastic #DrobeApproved words that will leave you fully satisfied... we just don't want to give you ALL of our secrets quite yet... but remember, "All good things arrive unto them who wait - and don't die in the meantime" Mark Twain  

With Style, 
Your MyDROBE Team

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