#Drobers, CAUTION:
This news may cause excitement leading to heavy breathing... and thus a possible stroke.
Jack Rogers Madison Avenue store has more than shoes and yowza are they hitting it out of the park!
Hats, hats and more hats...
This winter, you don't have to look frumpy or covered up, hiding all of your fashionable choices below multiple layers and snow. Your hair can stay perfectly coiffed beneath both of these stylish choices, one heavy and one light.
The Jack Rogers Fur Trapper Hat is big and deliciously cozy, covering your ears and standing tall enough to attract alllll of the right kind of attention. It comes in both rabbit and fox... um, yes please. I had the privilege of trying it on last week and it was tre amazing and frankly... uhhhh!! I looked incredible. #MyDROBEloves #lustlist
The Jack Rogers Fur Trapper Hat is big and deliciously cozy, covering your ears and standing tall enough to attract alllll of the right kind of attention. It comes in both rabbit and fox... um, yes please. I had the privilege of trying it on last week and it was tre amazing and frankly... uhhhh!! I looked incredible. #MyDROBEloves #lustlist
The second blue/grey floppy hat is sold at Jack Rogers but is Eugenia Kim Blake Hat made out of rabbit hair.
Rabbit hair... so hot right now.
This classic style looks so chic on just about everyone and can transition you easily into and out of the chilly winter... no more running full speed into the office or swanky dinner with damp snowy hair!! Bleh!
So walk... no... RUN... to @JackRogersUSA at 1198 Madison Avenue near 87th Street and pick up your winter hats and while you're there, you might as well get yet another colorful classic pair of their oh so popular sandals, and pretty much everything else in the store is to die for! Just trust me and go.
And now that you're on Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side warm as can be in one of your two new hats, we think it is time for a wassail... OH IT'S A WORD. Remember that song!? "Here We Come A-wassailing (or Here We Come A-caroling) is an English traditional Christmas carol and New Years song,[1]apparently composed c. 1850" ... Wikipedia knows EVERYTHING.
Okay, now walk 5 blocks up to YURA on Madison for the greatest bowl of soup you have ever had in your life (this information is NEED TO KNOW and I can't believe I'm sharing this with you! THAT'S how much I love you #Drobers! #shhhhhh) And if you need to go downtown instead of uptown, fine... you can grab your soup at E.A.T. on 80th followed by your dessert of macarons at Laduree on 71st.
Oh and now that you have your hat, don't forget to "cock your hat - angles are attitudes"... Frank Sinatra... killing it!
Stay Warm Drobers
With Style,
Your MyDROBE Team
This classic style looks so chic on just about everyone and can transition you easily into and out of the chilly winter... no more running full speed into the office or swanky dinner with damp snowy hair!! Bleh!
So walk... no... RUN... to @JackRogersUSA at 1198 Madison Avenue near 87th Street and pick up your winter hats and while you're there, you might as well get yet another colorful classic pair of their oh so popular sandals, and pretty much everything else in the store is to die for! Just trust me and go.
And now that you're on Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side warm as can be in one of your two new hats, we think it is time for a wassail... OH IT'S A WORD. Remember that song!? "Here We Come A-wassailing (or Here We Come A-caroling) is an English traditional Christmas carol and New Years song,[1]apparently composed c. 1850" ... Wikipedia knows EVERYTHING.
Okay, now walk 5 blocks up to YURA on Madison for the greatest bowl of soup you have ever had in your life (this information is NEED TO KNOW and I can't believe I'm sharing this with you! THAT'S how much I love you #Drobers! #shhhhhh) And if you need to go downtown instead of uptown, fine... you can grab your soup at E.A.T. on 80th followed by your dessert of macarons at Laduree on 71st.
Oh and now that you have your hat, don't forget to "cock your hat - angles are attitudes"... Frank Sinatra... killing it!
Stay Warm Drobers
With Style,
Your MyDROBE Team
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